Wednesday, April 04, 2012

as for here..

slowly, slowly.
they stop including me in things
and forgetting about me.
no the first time, but i still cant help but wonder

im okay.
still having a lovely time here at bible school.
but the going gets tough sometimes.
especially at the times when somethings up
and i no have any one to talk to

makes me miss my sister.
i dont tell her everything,
but at least i know she's there
at least i know she'll listen.

i get homesick sometimes
which is funny,
because "home" no longer feels like home.
neither does here.
i dont know where home is.
i have no home =/
Heaven is home.

perhaps i shall become a nomad.
live nowhere and everywhere for a while.

ha. that'll be the day.

im having mixed feelings about june.
i want this to end, so i can see where life leads me,
but i so want it not to come to an end
i love it here so much, and all the people.
people i met 3 months ago
and now consider family.
i feel as though im in a different world.

God will take care of His own.

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