and when youve said everything. when every single thing you have ever wanted to say has finally been said and uttered and spoken and spat when your reservoir of vocabulary has been spent when it has been cleaned out and every word has been used when there is not a single word left inside when there is not even a thought of a word that is when. THAT is when you will realize you will finally realize that i was waiting ive been waiting, all this time, for you for you to say everything you wanted to say. and to say it to me. by yourself. without my help. and youll know. that i knew. (even though you thought i didnt) and youll be sure. that i loved you. (even if you werent sure i did) and youll understand. that i understood. (even though you were convinced i couldnt) i didnt choose to love you. and none of your faults none of your scars and imperfections cracks and tears and bruises patches, glued and taped up pieces NONE OF THEM can make me love you less.
and im back i came back. i always come back. this is my place, the part of the universe where i am just that sweet pea girl and where i can openly express myself. and the beings who see it will equal more than just me. i was thinking. how this world is so cruel so so so unfair. and yet we are required to respect it. and we still love it and i still hope that someday, somehow something will be fair. again. i dont know when ill be back but i always am i always come back. <.3